About Us

Our Mission

By 2035 over 50% of the worlds population will be living with obesity.  That's over 4 billion people and the impact on many' countries health systems will be enormous with the subsequent rises of chronic illnesses. Health systems across the planet are treating diseases by alleviating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. People are therefore commodities in a capitalistic system seeking to profit from illness.  At Sotapan we focus on the root cause of illnesses using the mind body interface and build in health from the cell upwards thereby creating a disease free life.



Sotapan, a balanced disease free Lifestyle

When the body, in particular the Liver is clogged up with toxins it leads to Fear which then turns to Frustration then Anger which in turn turns to Anxiety and Emotional Stress. Much of this stress is locked into the Liver.  The term Bilious nature arises from this state and can be observed in people suffering from congested Livers.

Unblocking the Liver clearing out the Gallbladder, Kidneys and Colon removes fear and anxiety and enables the energy to restart flowing throughout the body as intended creating the opportunity for health and well-being to be restored by following a correct Lifestyle.  This is what you can gain with Sotapan.


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How we think and our general feeling controls how our cells behave.  Happy positive thinking supports all the cells in the body creating a vibrant energy that stimulates growth and youthfulness.


With very few exception most of the worlds population have toxins stored within the body of which the Liver tries to eliminate as best as possible.  Liver, Kidney and Colon cleansing remove these toxins and blockages enabling more efficient energy floe throughout the body and better health and wellbeing.


You are what you eat.  Much of the so called foods on supermarket shelves is ultra-processed edible material which has very little if any energy left in it. The body has no idea what to do with it and treats it as useless toxins that it tries to eliminate or store if necessary causing weight gain and ill health. Healthy food has the opposite effect and is supportive of cellular growth and nutrition.

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